The Committee consists of those voted to their position by the members at the club annual general meeting, along with members with skills and experience who are co-opted to help run the club.

The committee currently comprises:

Position Name Contact Number
Chairperson Jane Turley 07789 816354
Secretary Judi Jennings 07503063501
Treasurer Susan Parsons  07703455076
Membership Secretary Mary Followell 07862 242396
Welfare Officer Jane Turley 07789 816354
Teams coordinator (Mens)

Teams coordinator (Ladies)

Mark Gleave

Jacqui Wood

07950 798512


Junior Coordinator Jarrod Wood 07392297618
Club Coach John Walsh 07801 822855
co-opted (Parish council) Trish Parker 01606 74024
co-opted (Major projects) John Meluish 01606 882568

The committee meet every 4-6 weeks throughout the year, if you wish to have a proposal discussed by the committee, please e-Mail the club, or contact one of the committee members. Minutes of the committee meetings are placed on a notice board inside the club house once they have been approved.

The dates of committee meetings for 2023 are:

  • TBC

The Club AGM date is to be confirmed