March News


Coaches Cup

Monday 25/03/24

Fun adult tournament sponsored by the coaches. Players are drawn partners that they keep all evening.

Please sign up below, numbers are restricted so don’t delay and miss out. Click book, then go to “basket” above to confirm your booking.

New to Tennis Girls

John has recently undertaken some additional training that has enabled the club to run these new sessions from the LTA. The sessions are aimed at any girls new to tennis.

The sessions are sponsored by Prime Video and each child will get a free racket, t-shirt and balls along with 6 weekly coaching sessions.

Spaces are limited and sessions are age based so follow the link below if you are interested and please forward on to anyone that you may know that might be interested.

Sign Up

New Car Park Now Open

The parish council have paid for a nice new car park for us to use, so please park responsibly.

The overflow car park is currently too wet to open, but when it does will members please take care when driving past the courts. Some of the top surface from the old car park has been used to fill in some of the low points and care should be taken when driving over these areas. Please keep your speed down at all times, even if you are late for your sessions.

Tennis Camps. Book Now.

You can book your place now for our Easter Tennis Camp. Just hit the button below to go to the form.

Summer Tennis Camps